The Final Chapter

18 Dec 2020

Being a student in ICS 314 has taught me a lot of things. While there are things I’m expected to learn in a computer science class such coding, coding languages, or making websites, there are many other things you can learn that don’t necessarily have to be applied to only the class itself.

Living By Standards

Having to live by standards can be a nag, but if we didn’t have rules or laws, what would happen to the world we live in? With that in mind, when it comes to coding, there is always a “higher-up” looking over you, ensuring that you abide by the standards. If you don’t, similar to driving in the real world, you’ll see flashing red and blue lights behind you! Except the flashing and the blue… You’ll see a red indicator to let you know that there is something not particularly correct about your code. If you guessed ESLint, then you are correct!

ESLint is a coding utility that checks if you’ve violated any coding standards. Like mentioned earlier, if you have, there will be a red indicator to let you know. Likewise, in the real world, people like teachers and the police ensure that we follow the rules and laws (AKA Standards). If you want to stay out of trouble, just like programmers have to, abide by the standards! If you don’t, you’ll be seeing red everywhere you go.

Two Heads Are Better Than One, But A Party Is Even Better

If you can’t tackle a task on your own, why not get more people involved? Agile Project Management has taught me what it should be like where you’re in a group. With the more obvious things out of the way such as introductions and talking about what needs to be done for the project itself, there are other key things to do. One is setting milestones for the project. If you set milestones and assign issues to each member, the layout of the entire project becomes much simpler. You’ll know exactly what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. Another thing is to set meeting times. If you meet with your group regularly, you’ll be able to talk out any issues you may have with the project and ask for assistance. Regular check-ups are good to ensure that no one is falling behind.

It’s sad to say that ICS 314 has come to end, but I’m even more glad to say that I took it. I learned a lot of things that will help me in both my coding and real life. The continued stress that came with this class every week has helped to build up my brain stamina for what’s to come in the future. It was stressful and confusing a lot of the time, but I can say for sure that I’ll take all that I learned and apply it every day from here on out.